About Us

Lanelle Laws, LMFT

Lanelle Laws is a Licensed Marriage, Family and Child Therapist registered with the Board of Behavioral Sciences. Lanelle grew up in Bakersfield, CA before migrating to LA in 2018. She gained her experience working with children with developmental disabilities, individuals experiencing substance use issues, transitional aged youth and the unhoused before she found her calling working with the formerly incarcerated. Lanelle serves as Behavioral Health & Recovery Director of the AMAAD Institute. Her primary focus is to build care systems that allow clinicians, clients, and staff to operate from a place of whole person care. She is trained in Trauma-Focused Cognitive Therapy, Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training, Effective Practices in Community Support, and utilizing Client-Centered, trauma-informed, and harm reduction approaches. Lanelle has helped implement multiple programs focused on decreasing recidivism, homelessness, and improving quality of life among vulnerable communities, with partners such as the Mayors Office and LA County Dept. of Mental Health. She is the owner of Change Ur Narrative Consulting, LLC, which helps individuals build their personal and professional capacities. Lanelle also has a private practice “Heal(Thy) Self Wellness Services” that brings innovative therapy approaches to the LGBTQIA+ community, communities of color, and individuals struggling with trauma. Her goal is to advocate for individuals that are not aware they have a voice and teach them how to use it. She is committed to changing the stigma that comes with receiving therapy, particularly among communities of color. Lanelle has a passion for advocating for the unheard. Her personal experiences and ability to meet her clients “where they are at in life” is what makes her work that much greater. Her favorite saying is “I’m NOT the average therapist, and I never will be!”