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Anti-Racism Resources

Below are links to resources that have been compiled to engage in anti-racism. 

Anti-Racism at UCLA DGSOM
How to report an incident of racism or discrimination at UCLA

Incidents of discrimination that occur within the UCLA Hospital and Clinic System, please use the SOFI Event Reporting:

  • Select the “Report a Safety Event” option if the incident involved a patient (i.e. patient was the target of discrimination or the patient demonstrated discriminatory conduct towards health care personnel)
  • Select the “Report Disruptive Behavior” option if the incident involved health care personnel only (i.e. health care personnel demonstrated discriminatory conduct towards another health care personnel member)

Resources for reporting incidents within the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA can be found on the DGSOM website:

Reporting incidents of discrimination generally on the UCLA Campus: UCLA Equity, Diversity and Inclusion website: