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Social Justice Teach Ins

2020 - 2021

07/21/2020: Haewon Asfaw, MSW, Community organizer, youth advocate, and founding member of Black Lives Matter- Los Angeles, Defunding the Police: Implications in Mental Health 

11/17/2020: Brittni Chicuata, Empowering Communities that Neither Like Nor Trust You 

03/02/2021: Dr. Mirella Diaz-Santos, When science doesn’t represent us: Implementation nuances during COVID Era when working with Spanish speaking Latin immigrant aging communities in Southern California 

2019 - 2020

08/22/2019: Dr. Joshua Neff, “Introduction to Structural Competency”

12/20/2019: Mark-Anthony Johnson, Director of Health and Wellness at Dignity and Power Now, and Jeremy Levenson, UCLA Anthropology doctoral candidate, “The carceral system in Los Angeles and alternatives to incarceration”

01/03/2020: Dr. Nicolás Barceló,  Assumptions and Implications in current Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) initiatives in academic and organized medicine

02/14/2020: Dr. Laura Abrams, Professor of Social Welfare and Chair of the Department of Sociology, “Juvenile justice, re-entry, and transition-aged youth”

05/08/2020: Philipe Bourgois, PhD, Professor of Anthropology and Director, “Structural Vulnerability: Puerto zircons, US Colonialism and the Over-Prescription of Atypical Antipsychotics to Schoolchildren

06/30/2020: Patanjali de la Rocha, University of Washington, Demystifying Accountability- Toward a Culture of Belonging 

2018 - 2019

07/24/2018: Dr. Sonya Shadravan, “On Privilege & Othering” with guest facilitator Sundiata Spencer.

11/27/2018: Kevin Medina from UCLA’s LGBTQ Center, “Supporting the Transgender Community”

01/22/2019: Luis Vazquez, a UCLA law school student with a specialization in critical race studies, “Whiteness as Property”

03/36/2019: Andy Cofino, Director of UCLA’s LGBTQ Resource Center, “Gender Identities & Gendered Experiences: Storytelling & History Making.”

06/18/2019: Drs. Sonya Shadravan and Nicolás Barceló, “Prisons and Capitalism”. Facilitated by Jeremy Levenson and Mark-Anthony Johnson.